India Embraces Trakblaze Technology

In light of much controversy surrounding the integrity and accuracies of weighing companies supplying weighing instruments to both the Indian Rail and Mining industries, Trakblaze has passed the test and measures up as a reliable company with outstanding product accuracies.
The world’s toughest mining scale, the ‘Force’ with its unbeatable dynamic accuracies has been popular within various companies globally as it eliminates the need for a full draft weighbridge and having to stop for the weighing process; now the Force is making its mark on the Indian landscape.
Global company HZL, has again embraced the Force’s renown user friendly features and robust reliability to weigh their dump trucks by acquiring further Force Mining Scales to add to their existing acquisitions.
Whilst conventional weighbridges were readily available, HZL decided on the Force not only because they could accurately weigh their fleet of dump trucks in motion (saving time and money) but also HZL was able to track the individual wheel loads on each tyre, thereby ensuring equitable loading to prolong tyre life and reduce the occupational health & safety risks and the expensive maintenance costs associated with overloading.
Siemens India is another global company that has recently invested in the simplicity, accuracies and portability of Trakblaze’s MTW S-8 system to cross check train weights where high variations have been detected.
A sole focus behind Siemens India purchasing the MTWS-8 is to improve;
a) SAFETY – unbalanced wagons/carriages can derail if left unchecked.
b) MAINTENANCE – additional problems with running gear if wagons/carriages are not weight balanced, higher costs to replace wheel sets rather than machining wheels, better passenger comfort.
c) INFRASTRUCTURE – unevenly loaded wagons/carriages can cause unwanted braking of light wheel/s, causing flat spots and ultimately damage to the track infrastructure & rolling stock.
The MTW is a load cell based system which fits to the inner sides of most conventional rails. When the wheel flange rolls up the ramp, the wheel’s tyre is raised just clear of the rail head and weighed. The advantage of weighing axle by axle is that there is no restriction with regards to wagon type. It is factory pre calibrated, so that no transport of test weights or calibrated wagons are required.
All Trakblaze Systems involve “Loadcell Technology”, which is the only genuinely recognized method of long term accurate and reliable weighing.
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